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Commonway Church

Talk It Over

Talk it Over – Jesus is the Center

Cliff led a beautiful time of worship including phrases from songs: “You are good,” “You’re never gonna let me down,” “For endless days we will sing your praise,” “Holy Spirit you are welcome here” and “To be overcome by your Presence.” What were you sensing or feeling during…
Commonway Church
October 3, 2016
Talk It Over

Talk it Over – Fear

How do you usually respond to fear? Matt talked about two normal reactions - panicked decisions or paralysis - which camp do you fall into? Read Psalm 27 together. David wrote that we was confident - Where does that confidence spring from? (Look at versus…
Commonway Church
September 26, 2016
Talk It Over

Talk it Over – Beyond Their Ability

Matt talked about Paul leaving out the Macedonians when it came to helping the church in Jerusalem because they were so poor. Talk about a time you have left someone out because you thought you were helping by not asking? How has/did this affect the…
Commonway Church
September 19, 2016
Talk It Over

Talk it Over – Seating Chart

Scripture: Luke 14:1-23   What do you like about this parable? How might it have been offensive to those first hearing it?  Why does the Master (representing God) in the parable want his “house full”?  How did Jesus see people in his day who were considered…
Commonway Church
September 11, 2016
Talk It Over

Talk it Over – “Two Words”

Key Scripture Matthew 16.16-18 1 John 1.3-4 1 John 1.5 - 2.2 Talk it Over 1. Looking at Matthew 16.16-18, Jesus says He will build His church...except the word isn't actually "church" like we think about it. It's ecclesia - a gathering.  What if instead…
Commonway Church
August 28, 2016