Advent 2019

Advent 2019 Week 2: Peace

This morning, in this second week of Advent, we light the PEACE candle. Our Advent reflection was written by Commonway member, Leah Chandler, and can be found on the Commonway blog. Listen, as Isaiah prophesies about the coming of Jesus in Isaiah 9: 6 For…
Leah Chandler
December 15, 2019
Advent 2019

Advent 2019 Week 3: JOY

Thank you to the Martin and Nancy Brown for reading for week three, JOY. Psalms 146: 5-10 Happy are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD their God,  who made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that…
Wil Davis
December 15, 2019
Advent 2019

Advent 2019 Week 1: HOPE

Thank you to the Behrandt family for reading for week one. For centuries, it has been a tradition in the Christian church to use the lighting of candles within a wreath to symbolize the anticipation surrounding Jesus’ coming into the world. The wreath is made…
Jennifer Stanley
December 1, 2019