Note: The weekly Talk It Over will be taking a break staring next week. We will provide a few reflection questions inside of the Bible App Event each week. Talk It Over will start back up in August. For more information about Bible App Events, visit:


  • Exodus 20:12
  • Matthew 22:37-40
  • Also see our “Bible App Event” for an outline of the message.


  • When you hear the phrase, “Honor your father and mother?,” what comes to mind? Did you grow up hearing that as a kid? If so, how does that impact your understanding of that verse?
  • Why do you think our culture has a difficult time talking about and understanding what it means to honor parents? And why do you think our culture (speaking generally) puts less value on the older members in our society?
  • Thinking about your own parents growing up, how would you describe your relationship with them while you were living with them? How has that changed over time?
  • Matt suggested four phases or characteristics for what honoring our parents may look like – Obedience, Respect, Adopt a Posture of Grace, Express Gratitude:
    • The first two characteristics probably seem familiar, but are the second two new ideas to consider?
    • Are there ways you can identify as part of your relationship already?
  • Is there any way you need to do something intentional to honor your parents in one of the four phases? What can you do today to extend respect, grace, or gratitude?



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Commonway is now in the Bible App! By using the Bible App Events, you will be able to stay in step with the entire Sunday experience and take it with you throughout the week. That means you’ll learn and remember more at church, have a convenient place to look back during the week, and have easy, one-tap ways to take action on next steps in getting connected or involved with the Commonway community. Learn more on the blog: