

 Jonah 2


  • Do you have any spring break plans (if you have kids or are in school)?
  • What are you looking forward to this month?


  • In Jonah 2, we see this eloquent, poetic prayer. Interestingly, each line of this prayer is taken from the Psalms, and in particular, from psalms of thanksgiving. In the midst of your difficulties or suffer, do you lead with prayers of thanksgiving?
  • Why does brokenness seem to have an ability to overpower our reason, stubbornness, pride, and resistance?
  • We see in Jonah’s prayer that God listened responded, answering his prayer even in the midst of a mess than Jonah created. Does that surprise you? Have you experienced the same?
  • What kinds of prayers do you tend to express most often?
  • When our lives and our beliefs are in tension, Matt suggested that human nature is to dial down our beliefs. What’s your response to that idea?


Jonah is clearly seen as running, trying to get away from what God has asked him to do – and even in a sense, from God himself. Matt said, “You can run from God, but you can’t out run him. More clearly, God will wait on us.”

  • In what way do you need to stop running from God today?
  • Is there something in your life that you can decide to stop running from today?