Summer Chapel

June 4th

Order of Worship

Welcome to Summer Chapel, please begin your time by following the Prayer of Invitation below.

Pick a prayer of invitation to silently pray for the next 5 minutes. Focus on the words you are saying. Imagine God with you. If distractions come, let them pass by. Allow your body to relax. Breathe in and breathe out. Settle in and rest, knowing that Jesus has been expecting you and loves you very much.

– Come, Lord Jesus
– Jesus, I am listening
– God, I am here
– Spirit, fill me
– Jesus, my eyes are on you
– Father, quiet my heart

(After 5 or so minutes I will lead us into the next section)

O God, you are our God; earnestly we seek You; our soul thirsts for You; our flesh faints for Your presence. In a dry and weary land where there is no water. So, we have looked upon You in the sanctuary, beholding your power and glory. Psalm 63:1-3

Father, Son, Holy Spirit, we thank you for your presence with us.
ALL: Awaken us to your presence
We thank you for your love. Steadfast and unchanging.
ALL: Awaken us to your love.
We thank you for your grace. A kindness that is unearned and undeserved.
ALL: Awaken us to your grace.
We thank you for your voice. Gentle. Life-giving. And True.
ALL: Awaken us to your voice.
We draw near to you
ALL: And ask that you draw near to us.

I will guide our time through prayer, reading the passage, and reflection. May God’s Spirit set apart/purify our imaginations, guard our peace, and be our truth and light.

Mark 10:35-40
– Read the passage once – imagine the scene
– Read the passage again – focus on a phrase or word or picture
– Read the passage one last time – Imagine you are there and focus on your word/phrase or picture.

Respond to Jesus in prayer. Invite him to speak to you through His Word.

A time of reflection…
– What is your deepest and truest longing with God at this moment? In other words, at the core of you, what is it that seek/desire? i.e. belonging, security, love…
– What is your favorite name for God? i.e. Jesus, Spirit, Shepherd, Father, Friend…
– Now put 1 & 2 together to make a Prayer of the Heart i.e. “Belonging in Jesus

Spend a few minutes saying the Prayer of the Heart – Imagine carrying it with you in your home, your car, at church, in your workplace, running errands etc…

CLOSING PRAYER AND BLESSING – May the strength of God sustain us; may the power of God preserve us; may the hands of God protect us; may the way of God direct us; may the love of God go with us this day and forever. Amen.

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